Nome: Jim Rennert – Age: 61 – City: New York City
1.When and how did you realized that you became an artist?
I was always interested in art. As a child I loved to draw and that stayed with me as I became an adult. While I loved to draw, I was not very good. I was 15 years old when I took the only Art class I ever had in school and received a very average grade. I didn’t feel I was good enough to ever be an artist.
When I was 34 I went to the art store to buy some paper. Next to the paper there was some clay and I thought maybe I would try to sculpt a bust of my oldest child. I went home and was surprised I could make the clay do what I could not make the pencil do. I went back the next day and bought some more and did a bust of my second oldest. I was so surprised that I was able to move the clay around and have it be what I wanted it to be.
But, it wasn’t until I started casting my work in bronze and got gallery representation until I felt like I could introduce my self as an artist. Even then, it took probably 4 to 5 years before I felt comfortable saying I am an artist.
2.What are your main sources of inspiration?
Initially, it was my children and family. I would create work that resembled them in their various activities. But about 10 – 12 years into my career, I started reflecting on my career as a businessman. I started to create work that captured concepts that related to that experience. As I have continued to grow as an artist, the concepts have become more about our experiences in life.
3.How did the idea for Think Big born?
I created Think Big after my first trip to NYC. I was so inspired by the City that I wanted to create some work that reflected its enormous size. In order to do that I sculpted very small figures which large back drops of steel plates which were representative of buildings. For Think Big, I placed a small figure on a large plate of steel. The idea was born that eventually I would like to have a large Think Big figure in NYC. With the help of my Art Dealer and his staff, we were able to make that happen.
4.What was the most difficult moment in your career?
Because it is so expensive to cast in bronze, I decided to learn the process, purchase the equipment and do the casting my self at my home. It was very risky as I lived in a neighborhood and the work is very noisy and dangerous. If one of my neighbors complained, I would not be able to work.
5.And the the greatest satisfaction in work?
In work, it is being lucky that I can create and make art everyday.
6.What is your favorite place to find peace and serenity?
In my studio, on a long road trip, the beach and Lake Powell.
7.What about your study?
I attended college and took classes in business. I was always discouraged from becoming an artist. I think this was a mistake. I was not a good student and I think it was because I was in the wrong area. I should have been encouraged to express ideas through art. While I missed out on Art School, I have studied Art. I am always interested how I respond as well as others to various mediums and ideas.
8.What do you think about New York City?
It is the greatest City in the world. I love visiting and am always inspired by the size, the people and the activity there.
9.What is your favourite place in the Big Apple?
There are so many, but I do love visiting the museums, The Met and the Frick are two I really love.
10.When you are sad, where you can find support to cheer you up?
I don’t get sad very often as I am a very optimistic person. But when I do, I think my children and grand children really give me a lift and make everything worth while.
11.Which are your 3 favourite songs and why?
Pachelbel – Canon in D Major
It’s a wonderful world – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
“A Poor Wayfarying Man of Grief” a chuch hymn about serving others
12.What about your friends and your family.
I have 6 children and 5 grand children. I love them all and am so grateful they are a part of my life. I am surprised that my capacity to love only grows as I get older. I have some great friends and am grateful they are a part of my life. Some have helped me to create art, some keep me in shape…and others are wonderful to just talk with. I find the opportunity to experience this life together with others is a great adventure. I find good in most everyone I meet and grow personally from my relationships.
13.How is your relation with technologies?
I love technology. I think the world becomes smaller with every advancement, I think we have more access and understanding and the opportunities are so much more available to everyone to become and do what they want, to find and live their dreams.
14.And what do you think about social network?
I enjoy Facebook and instagram. I like photography and the opportunity to share and see the world through others eyes is fun. It is a way to keep in touch with friends and family.
15.Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
I am definitely optimistic. I believe most problems can be solved. I have felt lucky my whole life and in spite of the challenges and issues that we have to face and deal with, I seem to believe in the good that comes out of it and look forward to what is next.
16.What kind of father are you?
You would have to ask my children that, but I love being a father. I enjoy having a relationship with each of them. While they may not choose like I would, I believe my roll as a father is to help each of my children be the best them that they can be.
I learn a great deal from each of them and they make my life full.
17.How were you, when you was a child?
I was always happy. I loved to eat and play and sleep. I wore out everything out very quickly. New shoes would only last about a month before I needed a new pair because I had worn holes in them. I didn’t like bullies and would stand up and fight them if I had too.
18.Do you have animals?
I do, two big dogs , a yellow and brown Labradors. Their names are Sunny and Hershey. I also have two cats, Bell and Zander.
19.Do you think that humans are free or prisoners? (Rat Race and other your works has generated this question in me)
I think humans are free, but sometimes we allow ourselves to become trapped in unimportant pursuits.
20.Do you believe in God?
I definitely do. I have felt his love and direction in my own life. While it is becoming less popular, I cannot deny this.
21.Is there an artist that inspired your art?
There are many, some are friends and others that are well know in history.
22.What is your greatest oddity?
I find humor in difficult situations.
23.Are you interested about politics?
Yes and No. I think politics is more of a self serving show to those involved and has become less about the people. I do believe everyone should enjoy freedom.
24.What do you think about Italy?
I have never visited Italy, but I love the food, I love the passion and I love the people I have met from Italy. It is a play I should visit for sure.
25.When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
I see a boy who is now older than my mind tells me I am.
credits: a special thank for the help to graphic designers beatrice bressi and Enrico Usberti
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