You are a dancer and a dance-teacher right? When did you start dancing? What do you love about this world?

I started as a child, in first grade, I remember the first day very well. It was a small private audition. They let me get dressed on my own and obviously I was wrong, I put the waist band on my head, as Jane Fonda! There was never a charm, it was a natural thing that came to me spontaneously.

How were you as a child? Is there a memory of your childhood that you are particularly attached to?

I was a very peaceful, silent child. I changed myself when I was older!!! A nice memory as a child is the music of the Church in front of where I lived, every evening.

Your favorite ballet?

Ah…what a difficult question! … I would mention many of them, but nevertheless, for a sentimental bond, I will choose Manon. It is a Parisian love story, in the end she obviously dies, the first time I saw him live, Manon was the incomparable Sylvie Guillem.


At the moment I don’t have any, I’m lucky!

What qualities do you think are essential to become a dancer?

To be a dancer you must be an artist. Physical skills are conquered, they improve. The musical ear is educated. It’s just a way of looking at life. It is a filter in the eyes that you cannot transmit, you just have it. The young people who approach this discipline must be predisposed to sacrifice, it requires a lot of humility and commitment.

You have a beautiful baby girl. How did you deal with pregnancy and the first period after the birth of your “girlfriend”? Psychologically and physically, I mean …

Pregnancy was an experience that continues today because it made me very curious to understand “who are you who lives within me?”, and I still continue to discover it today. Chechi, for example, is taken to be in the water; water relaxes her. She is a little girl and she is already smarter than me, she teaches me a lot. Physically it was a somewhat difficult experience because I was very ill, I was hospitalized for a long time and then I was motionless in bed at home. In post pregnancy I remember it was all new and I was very tired!

Your 3 favorite songs?

Three are few ….. I space between music genres based on the mood and how the day turns me.

Today I would say Try a little tenderness


Girl from Ipanema


Samba pa ti


How important is friendship in your life?

Basic. Friends are the family you choose. I would die without it.

Do you live in Milan. What is the place that is most dear to you in your city?

Today I live outside Milan, but I attend it every day. I would say city studies, the area of my childhood.

If you close your eyes and think of an image that makes you happy, what comes to your mind?

It’s a little wacky, I realize: the noise of the washing machine. It is a memory that relaxes me.

If you could experience a movie dance scene, which one would you like it to be?

From a movie… I would like to dance with Baryshnikov in “The turning point”

How important are efforts and sacrifices to achieve results in dance? Classical dance, in particular, is very rigid about it, isn’t it? Starting from the same dance on the toes … Is it painful? How long does it take to stop hurting and feet and legs get used to the new posture?

Every day, for hours. It become a lifestyle, you move your feet under the table while eating or studying, shift the weight on the forefoot every time you notice it, around. The spikes start around the middle school age, when the arch is developed. Initially you make this 10/15 minutes, even if they don’t hold up anymore. First you teach how to bandage your fingers, how to tie your shoes correctly, without making mega knots or embarrassing bows. About pain … I feel like saying that dancing always “hurts”. When you get used to it, the teacher leads you to the next goal, which is always painful. You have to make it look easy, ethereal, light. And then it becomes your life.

Do you think that there are still prejudices about “males” doing classical dance?

Yes. People talked a little bit about Prince George last year, but in general there is still some pre-judgment. Yet it is full of dancers, teachers, or simply kids who do it as a hobby, who express themselves through dance. They find a more accessible way abroad, in my opinion.

In a documentary on TV some time ago I heard that Roberto Bolle has a very particular diet, which is mainly based on seeds and cereals. What do you think is the ideal diet for anyone who is a professional dancer?

The body is the means of expression, you must keep it well, it must be taken care of, introducing healthy and varied foods, constantly training it. I’m not really the most suitable person to suggest a meal plan, I’ve never made it, even as a young man, and it’s a choice I’ve always paid for.

Your greatest job satisfaction?

I was lucky, I had many. Many applause, many flowers on stage, many students that, when I see them, my heart still explodes.

What do you think of reality shows? How does the dance come out?

TV is fiction. The utility is that, in the last twenty years, it has brought more dance into homes, and more enrollment in dance schools. But it did not raise the cultural level of the public in the slightest, most of the people who judge an exhibition (the famous “how good! He got me!”) is the result of a judgment that sees only the ability to open the leg, to judge a gymnastic ability. they do not know the song from where it is taken, what sense it makes, after which choreographic version we consider it technically innovative and why, in what it is precursor. The eye educated to dance is something else, this reality does not offer it.

What do you think of modern dance? Is it true that, if you have good classical foundations, you can dance everything or do you also like modern dancers in general?

I love modern dance. In general, I appreciate almost all dance styles. Yes, it is true, who has a classical education today can learn more easily, it is a question of coordination.

What was the most difficult moment of your life and how did you face it?

Well … like everyone … I had happy moments and unhappy moments. Let’s say that in life I did not miss anything! The last one I experienced was the worst because I was alone. I’ve always been brave, even when it came to health. I go on like a train without fear. But often loneliness has put me in serious trouble.

If your life was a ballet, what would it be?

The nutcracker. A little fairytale, full of waltzes and characters, with a great divertissement, classic, romantic, energetic.

What makes you most angry in life?

Who tries to ignore my will

The last promise you made and kept?

Stop waiting for others.

The best restaurant you’ve ever been to?

Impossible to say, there are a hundred. each is good for its specialties, the atmosphere, they offer different things.

If you could talk to someone in the world for an hour, whoever, living or dead, who would you choose?

My kindergarten teacher, Gabriella. She passed away in 1988. That year I lost two people that I saw all the days, the teacher and the grandmother, the same type of disease. She was a good, sweet woman.

A sentence to define yourself?

I do not know. I struggle to summarize myself. I am a shy person, even if I don’t show it, I believe that my laughter holds me my best. I have a “good-natured” laugh, the kind that can be heard miles away, and I don’t intend to change it.


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