Daniele Caputo. Street artist, juggler, clown and much more ...

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1. Tell us about yourself.  What do you do for a living and how did you get there?
 I live thanks to my art doing shows for events; I got there by pure chance, I think it looked for me.
 2. At what moment did you finally realize what you wanted to do “when you grew up”?
 After the lockdown I realized that the only certainty in my life is my art, the only one that gives me both economic and spiritual satisfaction.
 3. Your secret dream?
 Be part of the Cirque du soleil artistic staff
 4. Among the many activities you practice, also go on stilts and unicycle.  How long did it take you to learn and what major obstacles did you encounter?
Learning to carry stilts was easy enough for me;  having two points of support, it took me just a few days.  The real difficulty was learning to use the unicycle, a really complicated tool.  Having a single point of support, you have to learn to manage the balance at 360 °, you cannot balance too much to the right or too much to the left, neither too forward nor too far back, but you must balance constantly.
5. Speaking of balance … What is balance for you?
 I’ll answer you with two quotes from the book “Meditation for those in a hurry” by Osho:
 * do not take things to the extreme, do not cling to a polarity, otherwise you will lose balance
 * walks like a tightrope walker.  Only in constantly balancing between two extremes lies the middle way.  The medium is a living context, not a fixed and dead point that can be reached once and for all: it must be found at every moment, always and again.  Observe a tightrope walker: it’s an experience
6. A happy childhood memory?
Summer vacation with my family
7. Do you spend a lot of time with children?  How do you get their attention?  How much of the baby “you” is in today’s “you”?
Actually the time I spend with the children is the duration of my show.  I attract their attention with gags that astound me first, looking at them with the eyes of a child and with the mind of an adult, so I try to attract a wider audience …. and then we are all a bit children!
8. Your 3 favorite songs?
It depends on the period.
9. Is your perform planned in everything or do you leave space for improvisation?
When I perform it’s all a program, but I never leave out the improvisation option, I always use it when I interact with the audience, because it’s the one that gives my show a break.
10. Tell us about juggling.  What is it for you?  What was the time when you felt you surpassed yourself in this discipline?
Juggling is the art of meditating in a dynamic way, with a continuous struggle to defy gravity.  Every time I train intensely I feel like I pass the previous level, but the beauty of juggling is that it is infinite, it never ends.
11. What makes you the most angry?
Injustices and misunderstandings
12. If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?
I am not a lover of painting, I prefer the dynamic arts more, you catch me unprepared, but for sure I see myself in the style of Picasso, extravagant and full of colors.
13. What does happiness taste like for you?
Being satisfied with what you do, that is the taste of happiness
14. 3 books that you would like to recommend?
The last three read:
the zen of the jugglin, steals like an artist and sows like an artist.
15. I have read that often those who “juggle” claim to feel a sense of inner peace.  Confirm?  Could you describe this feeling?
As I mentioned in the tenth question, juggling is the art of meditating in a dynamic way.  When I have unresolved issues, personal or with other people, just train (meditate) to achieve inner peace, finding answers and solutions.
16. If you hadn’t embarked on the path of juggling what would you have liked to become?
I don’t know, I have never thought about what to become in life, I have always let myself be carried away by the good vibes and therefore I believe I was born to do this and nothing else
17. In your art, who do you think is “the best” or someone to be inspired by?
I believe that everyone is better at something, I always try to have a broad view on everyone and never fossilize on someone in particular.  As in music “It depends on the period”
18. What relationship do you have with social media?
I believe that today you need to have a good relationship with social media, especially to work.  People want to see what you do and social networks are a great tool to showcase your art.
19. The poet T. S. Eliot said “Only those who risk going too far can eventually find out how far one can go”.  What do you think about it?  Do you set yourself limits or are you constantly trying to overcome them?
I set myself limits that I can constantly overcome.  It’s like climbing an infinite ladder, one step at a time to see what’s next.
20. I guess some disciplines require a lot of concentration.  What do you think about while you perform?
Nothing, I let myself be carried away by the music I use and by the energy that the audience gives me, only in this way can I get the maximum concentration.
21. Last movie seen?
Veiled Naples (I recommend it)
22. How did you deal with the period of isolation we have recently experienced due to Covid?
With training, reading, and being close to my family.
23. You are also fire-breathing.  I have read that this art is counted among the riskiest of fire manipulations.  Have you ever had any accidents?  Do you think it is dangerous?
I believe it is one of the riskiest art, but at the same time the easiest to learn.  Spitting the fire is easy, you just need a little courage and you need to know how to manage the fire element.  As far as accidents are concerned, I have never had any of them sensational.  If you use the right product you avoid the back flame, then everything is falling.
24. Juggling has very ancient origins.  Why do you think it has remained over the years and is always current and loved by many?
Because skilled people who defy gravity will always fascinate the world.
25. A phrase or quote that represents you?
Those who live in art will always live with the thought that one day too much is done, and the next too little.


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